Welcome to Portal Knights

Firstly, welcome to Portal Knights!

I’m PK_CM505, your Portal Knights Community Manager. I’ll be here to answer your questions, chat with you all and keep you up to date with the latest on our upcoming RPG, crafting, adventure game!

So, why Early Access? Well, we want to involve the community as much as we can with the development of Portal Knights. We want you guys to love this game – end of story! The aim is to make you feel like you’re a part of the team, not ‘just’ the community and once you’ve got your hands on Portal Knights, our eyes and ears are going to be open to suggestions, opinions and general thoughts. Trust us when we say, your feedback is going to be invaluable to us!

There are numerous ways you can communicate with us (check out the social links above) and by all means, show us what you get up to in game! We can’t wait to see your customized characters, newly built homes and boss battles.

Let’s just say, we are SUPER excited to see this title evolve… With your help of course! 😉

теперь доступны на Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch и Mobile   ❯